WebSite Development in Kansas City
Website Development Website Development is a time honed craft forged in the thousands of hours of study and mastery. Web Development is also a piece of art that stimulates the imagination, ingenuity and creativeness. And most importantly, Web Site Development is definitely a measurable science. However, with the onslaught of "click to build online web websites", anyone with a laptop nowadays thinks they are webmasters. Unfortunately because of this sad fact, over 70% of our business is repairing, fixing, upgrading these "things on the internet" into actual web pages that will qualify as a website on the internet. Believe it or not, just because you can see a web page on your browser does not mean it actually qualifies as a website. No more than a plane without wings could be called a plane. Wrap up your sleeves, you are about to find out how a real website is produced. :) The Turn Group is a digital marketing agency located in Kansas City, MO. Our Web Devel...